So this is the end.

one of my favorite flowers brought to me by two amazing friends.

May 4, 2012 – the official last day of classes before dead week starts for finals. I’ve been a bit under the weather to say the least. I’ve been uttering phrases along the lines of “I’m so congested I can’t breathe!” and “Where is your Kleenex box?!” and the overly dramatic “I’m dying…”

Regardless of how awful I feel with the combination of stress, sickness, and sadness (alliteration!), I’ve managed to count my blessings. I’ve realized just how amazing some of my friends are and I appreciate every single one of them for always being there. It sounds cheesy, almost pathetic actually, but this post shall be dedicated to my dear friends who have stuck by me through thick and thin. All my friends have little things to cheer me up, which range from death threats to anyone who tries to hurt me (with no intention of actually doing anything bad, they’re good people – I promise), to bringing me my favorite flowers, treats, and so on.

So here’s to a great summer with the most amazing friends and hope for a better fall semester.